Leoni Voegelin
[c]2020, of all contents: Leoni Voegelin | Impressum
contact: leoni.voegelin[at]gmail.com
data base
Things I liked,
I like, I work with
or don't want to forget
Tiare Ribeaux, a fascinating person and her interesting webpage. We met at DINACON (Digital Naturalism Conference) in Panama, 2019.
This is the most amazing webpage I know. Full of ideas, inspiration and knowledge.

Thank you Hannah and Mika!
KUNSTFORUM International
Chantal Akerman - Saute ma ville, 1968
A blueprint of Ollie: https://www.instructables.com/id/Ollie-a-DIY-autonomous-robotic-blimp/
The artist Geraldine Juarez is experimenting with screens and the storage and visibility of data and much more. Her work is very interesting you should check out.
BML : "The Black Movement Project is an online database of motion capture data from Black performers and Black character base models, currently underrepresented in available online databases. This library will be used for various extended(virtual, augmented, mixed) reality projects, performances, games, and research purposes.
BMP is a tool for activists, performers & artists to create diverse XR projects, a space to research how and why we move, and an archive of Black existence." LaJuné McMillan
Friends Of Random Objects
The girl chewing gum, John Smith (1976)